Monday, January 23, 2012

Staying on TRACK

Success is a result. Failure is a result. Money is a result. Health is a result. Every thing that shows up in your life is a result of your actions or lack of actions. It's the law of cause and effect. Knowing this universal law, allows you to take control of your life and your future. We can all make new choices that lead to new results. If you are NOT happy with the fruits of your business (income, production, momentum), you need to re-evaluate the seeds (Effort, skills, attending events, talking to people etc). Lets start this week fresh, planting the right seeds and I assure you the right fruits will grow!
Momentum is at an all time high! Get your business moving and lets create the most out of our 2012!!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Time to rally all the troops and pack your cars to Rondevu in SAC TOWN for this amazing Event this weekend!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Training VS. Culture

 After talking with one of my business partners last night I came to realize something, and that is,

Training is evil.

Or can be, when you over train.  Over training leads to complexity and complexity always leads to reduced duplication.
It starts with the best of intentions.  You want to nail things down, make them airtight, and cover all the bases.  But anything complex enough to cover every scenario is going to kill replication, because it gets away from the basic premise underlying all duplication.  The formula, if you will:
Get a large group of people to perform a few simple actions, for a sustained time.
The further you get away from this formula, the less duplicable results you’ll see down the group. Here’s what you have to watch out for…
Sales trainers who want to come in and teach a bunch of closing techniques to your team.   This is not a sales business; it’s a teaching and training one.
Delving too deep into the personality types.  Lost of systems on these: Carlson, colors, animals, or character traits.  Absolutely the profiles have validity.  But if your beginning people are trying to learn this and quantify prospects – many will die early.
NLP practitioners who want to train your team on neuro-linguistic programming.  NLP is an amazing technology that can help people with fears and phobias.  But when you start to prostitute it to manipulate people to do things against their will – you’re crossing an ethical line and killing duplication at the same time.
Creating manuals of scripts for every occasion.  Can you say “overkill” boys and girls?  If you have one script for people who work for you, another for people you work for, one for in-laws and one for outlaws, one for young people and one for old – the only people who sponsor on your team will be the salespeople.  And salespeople don’t duplicate.
There can be a place for training in these four areas.  (Although personally I’m against the NLP training.)  But take any of them too far and you become the hardest-working, lowest-paid grinder in your company.  I know – I was that guy for years.
What we’re really talking about here is the difference between selling tactics versus creating culture in your team.   The grinders has 3-ring binders filled with potential scripts, closes, and tactics.  The Rock Stars in the professional create culture that guides people how to respond in any situation.  If you learn nothing else, let me teach you your new mantra…
Grinders Fill Binders – Rock Stars Drive Bonus Cars.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Timing is Everything

I think we can all agree that timing is everything.  For those of us that read this Blog the timing is now.  There will never be another today and there will never be another opportunity for the masses like the one you have you hands on right now.  What an exciting time to be alive.  And what an exciting time to be in Network Marketing…
Elections looming.  Economies tanking.  Governments teetering on insolvency.  Unemployment at record levels.
Ain’t it great!
It’s unfortunate, but for many people, they need circumstances like these to open their minds up. They’ve been so brainwashed into getting a degree and getting a job, they simply can’t help themselves.  They’re trapped in the Matrix and don’t even know it.
It takes economic and political upheaval like this to shock them out of their mindless habitual thinking stupor.  Once the wooziness wears off, they realize two things:
1) Their company doesn’t have their best long-term interest at heart.
2) Their government is a Ponzi scheme managed by idealistic idiots who will never be able to provide for their retirement security.
And the day they realize that, is the day their whole world opens up.  Provided you are waiting there, offering the solution.
Are you ready? Because the Time is NOW!